Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ghana is Rad!

We haven't actually been to Ghana yet but we are really excited. We are spending the week in Salt Lake for more training. Although the days seem really long, we have been entertaining ourselves during our down time. Here are a few pictures of the fun activities that have already taken place. We love the group that we are with and we are sad that we are all going to different countries. Stay tuned, we promise this blog will get really cool next week.

Here we are smashed into a serving cart in the church where we spend the better part of our days. The ride was surprisingly comfortable.

Mimi, the internship coordinator with LDS Employment Resource Services, who we think is awesome.

Most of our group in the room where we spend pretty much all of our waking hours.

Out to dinner with all the peeps.
Stay tuned for more awesomeness. Thanks for reading. We hope it won't always be this boring.


  1. You girls are about to have a 3-month party! We will be praying for your safety! I love all the pictures, what a beautiful country!

  2. What a fun blog! You girls will be in Ghana very soon. We will be praying for your safety. Those photos show such a beautiful country! The pictures of you are awesome, too!

  3. Hey--it DID post my comments! Sorry they sound the same, I was experimenting... Tomorrow is the big day. Hey, update this blog since you don't have anything else to do today! I want more! love, Mom

  4. cute pics girls! i'm excited to stay tuned with all your fun activities!!

    lorie ann

  5. So Amelia, can I call you on your cell when you are in Ghana? I miss you even though I never see you anyway.

    Kevin is FUNNY.
