Thursday, February 12, 2009

Football Game

Yesterday Prince took us to a football game at Sekondi Stadium. It was pretty fun. He is friends with the stadium manager so we got in for free. Not that games are expensive. We would have paid about $2 each. The game was fun and the Sekondi team, Eleven Wise, won 1-0.

This is Prince's friend Murial. I don't know why Ghanaians don't always smile for pictures.

Concessions at the soccer game.

I know I look like a clown, but don't pay attention to that. The thing I am holding is a muffin that tastes like corn bread. It is called Rock Band. I am not even kidding. How it got its name I will never know. I want to taste Guitar Hero.

Cute kid.

Lots of Rock Bands.

This is the bathroom in the stadium. Gross huh? I guess you stand over it. No thanks.

This is on the way back from the stadium. Ghana really is beautiful. And the sun is amazing right before it sets.

Kristen's turn to drive. I was petrified the whole time, but we arrived safely back home. She is a good driver.


  1. i loved all the updates! it makes me want to go back to africa really, really badly. someday...

    as for the whole "not smiling in pictures" thing, that started bugging me so i kept telling people to smile or else everyone at my home would think that africans were just miserably unhappy people. it worked. ... most of the time.

  2. Latinos never smile either. Yeah, I've never really understood it. You have people that are really happy and funny, but you pull out that camera, and somehow those huge smiles go away!

    What! No action shots!! That must have been pretty fun, I'd love to see soccer in a country where they're crazy about it!

  3. I was having a bad day... then I saw the picture of that amazing toilet. Now I am happy.

  4. That stadium is so out of place in Ghana from what is shown in the rest of the pictures you have taken! Shows what is most important to them, I guess?? Are you serious "rock bands"? Crazy place!
