Thursday, February 12, 2009

We Hate Malaria

Kristen got malaria. She was very, very sick, as you can see from the pictures. She looked like death. She threw up numerous times. When we went to the hospital, we didn't know if the malaria would kill her or if the facilities would kill her. They were taking her vitals and she almost passed out so they decided to put her on an I.V. I was skeptical because this is Africa and the hospital was scary looking. I didn't know which was worse, dehydration or the possibility of getting AIDS. In the end, she was so bad off I decided to just watch everything they did and
make sure everything was new. Fortunately there were no problems. Everything came out of new, clean packages and the nurses wore gloves. We got there on a Saturday afternoon and we had to spend the night there because apparently the doctor doesn't come in on Saturdays. He wasn't going to be in until Sunday morning.
For some reason we are having trouble arranging this post, so please follow along carefully. The first picture is what death in an African hospital looks like. The second is Beezus and Kristen. Third is me enjoying an orange, Ghanaian style. They cut the top off and suck the juice out. The fourth is after Kristen used the scary African toilet (see below). This shows the room we stayed in. There were five beds across, another across from us, and about three cribs. No privacy at all. Scary picture number five is Kristen feeling slightly better. I had to beg her to let me post this picture because, well, look at her. She is scary looking. She is very embarrassed about it, so no comments about it please. The next is me with Beezus the next morning. She was so good to us. There is no food at the hospital (that is probably a good thing, fufu wouldn't sit well after staying the night in that hospital.) She brought us dinner the night before and breakfast Sunday morning. She is a doll. The next one is the three of us, kickin' it in the hospital, waiting for the cursed doctor, who was a real jerk. Also, he was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops. Very professional. Pay close attention to Kristen's paperwork (there are NO computers in the hospital). They thought we were missionaries. Also, note that at the top of the paper it says, "Latter-day Saint." Occupation: Missionary. The last picture is the outside of the hospital, taken a few days later after her check-up. Also interesting to know is that we have a friend who used to work there and when we told him that we had gone there, he said, "Oh, that is a nice hospital." I would hate to see the bad ones.


  1. i'm glad she's feeling better now! i had a couple of run-ins with "scary" african hospitals. they make for good stories!

  2. We are so glad she is okay! Mimi told us she was pretty sick when we talked to her, so we have been praying for you Ghana Girls! Hope all is well!

  3. Oh, Kristen! I am so glad I saw these pictures after this whole event is somewhat of a past memory! That first picture just makes me ache for you. I'm so glad you're feeling better, and that you had Amelia and Beezus looking after you.

  4. Judas priest Kristen! You looked like death! I am glad you are doing so much better. Also, that is a pretty nasty toilet. Watch out for those.
